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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Birthday Jamboree

Mabuhay Readers!

According to Mr. Google and Ms. Wikipedia: A birthday is a day when a person celebrates his or her date of birth. Birthdays are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with a gift, party or rite of passage.

Today is my Mom's birthday. We invited our closest relatives and had a simple gathering or salu-salo. I am in-charge in cooking, so I decided to cook hassle free foods like spaghetti which I know is very generic in birthday occasions as well as fried chicken and cake. I voluntarily present my self to bake a cake for my mom. I know I'm not that "pro" in baking but at least I tried besides effort do count and I know that my cake is not that bad at all. *wink*


A little information about our belief is that during birthdays pasta recipes or noodle recipes are not forgotten in one's menu. It is said that preparing noodles or pastas give you longer life span. It's not scientifically proven though, but still a lot of people believe in this, not only because of the belief but because it is also economical especially to people who are on a tight budget.

Fried Chicken:

I can say that fried chicken is always on the top menu. I don't know why, but every time I attend special occasions fried chickens are always present. May be because it is easier to cook than any other chicken recipes available.

Last but not the least, Cake:

Cakes are hallmarks in every birthday celebration or even not in birthdays, it is seen in all events like weddings, christening, anniversary, monthsary and graduation. Indeed, cakes play a special role in different accomplishments in our lives.

Anyway, how do you celebrate your birthday?

till next time! taa, taa


1 comment:

  1. You are invited to my birthday next year :) and will be in charge of the cake if that is alright with you. and that pasta looks good too by the way .. Happy birthday to your mom!
