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Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there! :)

This is not just an ordinary "sunday" or day for us. It is a day that we pay special tribute to mothers who had always been with us through thick and thin. A mother who listens, give advices, a shoulder to cry on, supportive, mothers are indeed all in one package. I can say that I am lucky to have a mother that is always there for me in times of troubles and failure, always giving me inspirational messages and motivation to pursue life as it is.

As we celebrate Mother's Day, I decided to bake a cake for my mom as a simple token of appreciation and Thank You for all the sacrifices she made from us, and giving us the patience and our everyday needs.

So to you Mom, Happy happy Mother's Day. We Love You from the bottom of our hearts..

Here's my simple gift:

Till next time! 


  1. nice blog !!
    Do visit mine

  2. thanks.. you do have a nice blog too.. keep visiting.. :)
